donderdag 11 december 2014

Basic Steps to Construct Your Own Solar Energy Panels

Basic Steps to Construct Your Own Solar Energy PanelsThe sun has always been available to mankind as a dependable energy source; however, the rising costs of energy have not stirred people enough to think seriously about how to construct their own solar energy panels.

A few tips have been put together that may help you in the process.

Online stores keep offering discounts, which you can utilize to save on the high cost of construction. Some innovative suppliers will also make the job of assembling easier by offering the entire kit along with detailed instructions on how to complete the process.

Step #1

Make sure you have all the right tools. To construct your own solar panels, most of the essential tools needed would already be available in your tool room including screwdrivers, hammer, screws, saw, knife, and soldering iron.

Although some other tools may be required, house owners do have some timber in stock which can be used to construct the frame in order to mount panels on the roof top. The housing for the cells can always be constructed using available wood panels and screws.

Step #2

Pre-tabbed photovoltaic cells and connecting tab wiring have to be purchased. Plastic sheets used to cover the housing lid, solder, flux, EVA glue, and blocking diodes that stop reversal of current are some additional items needed to begin the project.

Step #3

Make a pot of coffee for yourself, sit down, and decide on the location of the solar energy panels. You need to fix it at a 30° slope facing south. It should not be covered in shade or be in the direct path of natural pests. The location should be ideally suited for a short wiring route to reach the place where storage batteries have been kept.

Step #4

If you have decided to construct your own solar panels, plan at least a week in advance and use the part of your tool room that is free from dust and dirt. Once the cells have been assembled across a backing board in a sequence of 6 x 6, the rest of the process involves assembly.

Ensure that cell tabs are connected with wire, include blocking diodes and cables connected right up to the storage battery, and use a plastic lid to cover it. Insulate the entire unit by sealing it with silicone grouting.

Step #5

Insulate the back of the housing, and mount the panels on the roof top within the housing. To make the unit more energy-efficient, cover the housing with black paint excluding the lid.Two people might be required for the job, as the panel and housing may be fairly heavy, and it requires focus and balance to work at the great heights.

If you find it difficult to follow instructions or assemble the unit on your own, simply buy a kit set or the full kit. You can always check out an existing unit with an acquaintance or see how a solar-powered unit actually functions before making a purchase decision.

Though the DIY project can be enjoyable, the learning experience of building solar energy panels can actually provide the homeowner a practical and viable alternative whenever there is a paucity of power supply in the region.

DIY Solar Panels and Windmills Building Guides

Earth 4 Energy - Make your own solar panels or wind turbine. More info here

Home Made Power Plant - There are some other guides for DIY wind and solar generators, but all of those that I've read don't get into the same details. More info here

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